Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/264

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167. H. esculentus, Linn., h.f.b.l, i. 343. Roxb. 529.

Syn. :— H. longifolius, Eoxb. Fl. Ind. III. 210. Abelmoschus esculentus, W. and A.

English name: — Lady's finger.

Sans. : — Tindisa ; Gandha-mula.

Arab, and Pers. : — Bámiya.

Vern. : — Bhindi rám-turai (H.) ; Dhénras, rám-torai (B.); Bhendá (Bom.) ; Bhindu (Guz.) ; Bhéndi (Dek.) ; Vendaik-kay, vendi (Tam.); Penda, benda-káya (Tel.).

Habitat : —Cultivated throughout India.

A cultivated, annual, tall herb, with rough hairs. Leaves coarsely toothed ; petiole 6 in., more or less bristly. Stipules subulate. Peduncles about 1 in. Bracteoles 1 in., linear-subulate. Flowers yellow with a crimson centre. Staminal-tube antheriferous throughout. Fruit 6-10 by lin., pyramidal-oblong, glabrescent, cells 5-8-seeded. Seeds striate, hairy.

Parts used :— The fruit, seeds and capsule.

Use : — The Mahomedan writers describe it as cold and moist, and beneficial to people of a hot temperament (Dymock)

Roxburgh recommends it in irritating cough. The mucilage from the fruits and seeds is useful in gonorrohœa and irritation of the genitourinary system. In the Indian Pharmacopœia, the immature capsules are officinal for the preparation of a decoction, to be used as an emollient, demulcent and diuretic in catarrhal affections, ardor urinæ dysuria and gonorrhœa.

168. H. tiliaceus, Linn., h.f.b.l, i. 343. Roxb. 522.

Syn. : — Paritium tiliaceum, W. and A. ; Hibiscus tiliaceus, Linn.

Vern. : — Bola, chelwa (B.) ; Bania or baria (Orissa) ; Belpata (Bomb.). (Sinhalese) Beli-patta.

Habitat : — Coasts of both Peninsulas and Bengal.