Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/257

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An annual herbaceous, softly tomentose plant. Leaves orbicular-cordate with a long point, 3-4 in. Petiole 3 in. Peduncles 1 in , solitary, axillary. Sepals free nearly to the base, ovate, acute. Petals yellow, hardly exceeding the sepals. Staminal tube very short. Carpels 15-20, much exceeding the sepals, oblong, truncate hispidulous or pubescent, with two long horizontal spreading ciliolate awns.

Use : — Its leaves, seeds and roots are put to the same use as those of A. indicum.

158. Urena lobata, Linn, h.f.b.l, i. 329. Roxb. 519.

Vern : — Bun-ochra (B.) ; Bhidi janelet (Santal) ; Bachita (N.-W.P.) ; Vana-bhenda, Rân-tupkada ; Wagdâû Bhendi (Marathi) ; Villiak (Konkan).

Brachta, Bachit, Bachitâ (Hindi) ; (Sinhalese) Valta Epala.

Habitat : — Generally distributed over the hotter parts of India. Waste open ground, Ceylon.

A very variable, herbaceous plant, more or less hairy. Leaves about 1-2 by 2-3 in., cordate 5-7-lobed, acute or obtuse ; nerves 5-7, prominent on the under surface, the three central, or the midrib only, provided with a gland on the under surface; petiole usually shorter than the blade. Bracteoles oblong-lanceolate, equaling the Calyx. Flowers bright pink, darker in the centre, clustered. Carpels densely pubescent, echinate. Capsules barbed.

Use : — In Chutia Nagpur, the root is employed as an external remedy for rheumatism. (Revd. Campbell).

159. U. sinuata. Linn, h.f.b.l, i. Roxb. 519.

Vern.: — Lotloti, Kunjuya (H.) ; kunjia(B.); Mota bhedi-janelet (Santal.) ; Beri lât (Chutia Nagpur) ; Tapkote (Bomb.) ; Piliya Mankena (Tel.).

Jayakrisna Indraji gives the following Vern. names : — (Porebunder and Gujrat) Wagdâû Bhindo ; (Marathi) Lichi, Râmkapshi; (Hindi) Kûnjia, Lotaloti ; (Sinha lese) Hiwepula.