Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/252

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tonic properties, and has been found very useful in febrile affections and some forms of dyspepsia, and also in mild cases of debility from previous illness. (MOODEEN SHERIFF.)

151. 8. rhombifolia, Linn., h.f.b.i., i. 323. Roxb. 517.

Sans.: — Atibalâ (Sanskrit) Mahâbalâ, Pitapushpa.

Vern.: — Làl-bariala or berela (Ben. and Hind.) ; (Sinhalese) Kotikan-bevila ; (Tamil) Chittamaddi ; (Porebunder and Gujrat) Khetara ubal dana ; (Marathi) Chikna, Sadeva ; (Hindi) Sahadeva, Pitabala ; Sahadeva. J.— Indraji.

N. B. Sahadevi (Sanskrit) is the name of Vernonia cineria. (K. R. K).

Habitat : — Throughout India.

A shrubby, erect herb ; perennial, very variable, glabrous, or with scattered stellate hairs. Leaves polymorphous, generally more or less rhomboid, underside hoary, rarely green ; tapering at the base. Stipules linear- setacous, longer than the petiole. Peduncle longer than the petiole ; rarely less than twice as long as the petiole, axillary, or clustered at the ends of the branches. Flowers mostly yellow ; rarely white. Sepals deltoid, acuminate. Carpels smooth or reticulate, 10, awned or not, as long as the Calyx (Maxwell T. Masters). This species and its allies yield good fibre. Widely distributed throughout India and Tropics in both Hemispheres.

Use : — The medicinal properties of this species resemble those of other species.

152. S. rhombifoila, Var. retusa, Linn, h.f.b.i., i. 324., Roxb. 517.

Vern.: — Jangli-méthi (H. and Dec); Ban-méthi (Beng.) ; Mayir-mannikkam (Tel.) Arb : — Hulbahe-bari. Pers : — Shamblide-bari.

Stems prostrate, thick and woody, much-branched. Leaves very small, cuneate-obovate, retuse, apiculate ; ripe carpel,