Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/247

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dry root and seeds is useful in irritable and inflamed states of the pulmonary and genito-urinary mucous membranes.

145. Malva sylvestris, Linn., h.f.b.l, i. 320.

Vern.: — Khubazi (Bomb.); Kunji, tilchuni. vilayati- kangai-kà-per goolkheir, (H.) ; Vilàyati-kangoi-kà-jhar (Dec.); Khabàjhi, (Sind.)

Habitat : — Western temperate Himalaya, from Kumaon to Kashmir and the Pubjab.

An erect, nearly glabrous annual herb, l-3ft. high. Leaves cordate, rounded, lobed ; petioles 4-5 in. Peduncles about 1 in. Bracteoles ovate, entire, shorter than the bell- shaped Calyx. Corolla 1½ in. diam. Petals notched, claw bearded. Carpels reticulated, downy or glabrous.

Parts used : — All parts of the plant.

Uses : — All parts of the plant are commended in Mahomedan works, on account of their mucilaginous and cooling properties, but the fruit is considered to be most efficient (DYMOCK).

It is prescribed in pulmonary affections (WATT). Useful in irritation of the skin and for fomentations. The leaves are used as emollient cataplasms. As Gulkand used in strangury, (MURRAY, p. 58.)

The little hard fruit, tasting something like a nut, is commonly called a "cheese" " Chucky cheese" is the name given in Devonshire to the plant, in allusion to these little cheese-like fruits.

There is a tradition that Mahomed had a garment made of the Mallow fibre ; and he was so well pleased with it, that he turned the plant into the more showy, but less useful geranium (Sowerby's English Botany,).

146. M. rotundifolia, Linn., h.f.b.l, i. 320.

Vern.:— Sonchala (Pb. and H.) ; Khubazi (H.) ; Chanderee (Sind.) ; Trikàla malle (Tel.) ; Kùkerai (Pushto.)