Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/244

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pubescent outside. Stamens 30-40; filaments short; anthers linear, hairy at base, glabrous above, cells unequal, the outer longer; appendix of connective as long as the anther. ' Ovary tomentose, style filiform, stigma minute. Fruit ovoid, 2-2½ in. long, splitting open into valves, fruiting-Calyx small, segments reflexed. Cotyledons filled with fat (Piney tallow)— Brandis. Piney gum — resin, says Gamble, (P.85, Indian Timbers), makes an excellent varnish. One of the handsomest trees in Madras and Travancore.

Parts used: — The oil, and resin.

Use: — Under the influence of gentle heat, it combines with wax and oil and forms an excellent resinous ointment; it forms a good substitute for officinal resin (G. Bidie.) From the fruit is obtained a solid fatty oil, which has obtained considerable repute as local application in chronic rheumatism and some other painful affections. It might be employed as a basis for ointments, &c. (Ph. Ind., p. 33.) Fine shavings of the resin are said by Irvine to be administered internally to check diarrhœa (WATT).


143. Althœa officinalis, Linn., h.f.b.l, i. 319.

This is the English Marsh-mallow, which yields " Guimauve," the sweet soft lozenges of which are used for sore-throat.

Vern.: — The flowers, Gul-Khairu (Hind, and Bomb.); Shemaituti (Tam.)

The fruits, Tukm-i-khitme (Pers. and Bomb.")

The roots. Resha-i-khitme (Pers. and Bomb.)

Habitat: — Kashmir.

A perennial, uniformly downy herb. Stem erect, 2-3 ft. Leaves ovate or ovoid, simple or slightly lobed, annular, base scarcely cordate, unequally toothed. Stipules linear-subulate. Flowers peduncled, in axillary clusters, 1-2 in. diam., rosy . Bracteoles linear-lanceolate, half the length of the sepals. Anthers subglobose. Ovary many-celled; ovules one in each