Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/239

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often filled with resin, rather unevenly distributed. Medullary rays prominent, moderately broad, with a number of fine rays between each pair of broad ones; the distance between the broader rays equal to or up to twice the transverse diameter of the pores, the small rays passing through or round the pores" (Gamble). Young branches compressed, glabrous or canescent. Stipules 4-5in. long, greenish, tomentose. Leaves 10-18 by 5-14 in., cordiform, acute, base cordate or truncate, margins sinuate-crenate, undulate; lateral nerves, 15 pair; petiole 4-5 in. Racemes 5-6in., simple or 2-fid, 4-7-flowerecl. Flowers large, rose-coloured; petals 1¼in. long, tomentose outside. Fruiting calyx-tube obovate, velvety when young, glabrous when mature, between the segments produced into 5 sharp knobs. Calyxtube in fruit by 1¼ in,, mouth contracted, wings 4-5 by 1¼-l½in., linear-elliptic, obtuse, 3-nerved. Nuts tomentose.

Use : — According to Mason, the oleo-resin of this tree is used with assafœtida and cocoanut oil as an application for large ulcers.

138. D. alatus, Roxb.h.f.b.i., i. 298, Roxb. 439.

Vern: — Garjan (B.);

Habitat: — Chittagong. Andamans, Pegu, Tenasserim, Siam, Combodia.

A very large tree with a grey bark. Sapwood white; heartwood reddish-grey, moderately hard, smooth, mottled (Gamble). Shoots and stipules pubescent. Leaves ovate or elliptic, acute, pubescent beneath, margin eiliate; secondary nerves 12-15 pair, blade 4-6 in. Petiole softly hairy, 1-1½ in. long. Wings on fruiting calyx-tube, broad, half the diameter of the tube or more. Raceme about 7-flowered.

The medullary rays consist of two classes of cells, long and short. The former up to 0.12 in. long, are filled with wood oil.

Use: — This species yields, like D. turbinates, most of the Gurjun Balsam of commerce.

139. I), incanus, Roxb.h.f.b.i., i.298. Roxb. 439.