Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/217

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with some other drugs of similar nature." He recommends the -fresh succulent leaves as a cooling external application in the place of ice or cold lotion. The seeds and juice of the fresh leaves may be best administered in the form of a draught, from thirty grains to one drachm of the former, and from one to two fluid ounces of the latter (obtained by pressing the leaves) being the dose. He recommends either of these as substitutes for spirits of nitrous ether, Pareira-brava, tragacanth, elm-bark, rhatany, copaiba, and ice.

By Natives generally at the present day, the herb is chiefly valued as a refrigerant and alterative pot herb, particularly useful as an article of diet in scurvy and liver disease. In addition to the properties above detailed, the seeds are believed in the Punjab to be vermifuge.

The juice of the stems may be applied with advantage to prickly heat, as well as to the hands and feet when a burning sensation is felt.

119. P. quadrifida, Linn., h.f.b.i., i. 247.

Syn. : — P. meridiana, Roxb. 391.

Sans : — Laghu Lonika

Vern. : — Chounlayi, loniya, khate chawal (Hind.); Nuniya, chhota lunia (Beng.); Lunak, haksha, lunki-buti (Pb.); Kota, chaval-ke-bhaji, barika, ghola (Bomb.); Luni(Guz.); Rân Ghol (Mar); Choulayi-ki-bhaji, ghol-ki-bhaji, chowli (Dec); Soin- parpu-kirai, pasarai-kirai, siru-pasarai-kirai, passeli-kirai(Tam.); Sanna-pappu, sanna-pavili, goddu pavili, pedda pavili, sunpail kura, pavili, kura, payalaku, sanna payala (Tel.); Hali bachcheli (Kan.); Hin-gende-kola (Sing.); Baqlatul-yamaniah, baqlatul- aarabbiyah budelut-ul-mobarik (Arab.)

Habitat : — Throughout the warmer parts of India.

A diffuse, annual, succulent herb. Stem filiform. Rooting at the nodes; nodal appendages pilose, more or less copious. Leaves flat 1/5-⅓ in., opposite, very shortly petioled, ovate or ovate-lanceolate. Flowers terminal, solitary. Calyx-tube ½-immersed in the extremity of the axis, surrounded by a four- leaved involucre, and long silky hairs. Petals 4, yellow;