Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/196

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Use : — The leaves and tender stalks are demulcent, and are used by the natives in decoction and electuary; they are also employed in conjunction with some mild oil in preparing a cooling liniment for the head (Ainslie). The Santals employ the root in bowel complaints of children (A. Campbell). Dr. Moodeen Sheriff considers the drug to be demulcent and refrigerant and useful in some cases of gonorrhœa and of scalding of urine.

In the United States Dispensatory, it is stated that the root of a species of Ionidium has attracted some attention in the treatment of elephantiasis.


103. Cochlospermum, Gossypium, D. C. h.f.b.i., i. 190.

Syn. : — Bombax gossypium, Linn. Roxb. 515.

Vern. :— Kumbi, gabdi, ganiar, galgal, gangal (H.); Hopo (Santal.); Gulgal (Kol.); Gangam (Gond.); Kantapalas (Uriya); Kumbi (Pb.); Gajra, Kumbi (U. P.); Gungu, kong, gondugogu (Tel); Tanku, Kongillam (Tam.); Bettatovare, arisina burga (Kan.); Chimapunji (Mal.); Ganeri (Bhil); Kadachogund (Guj.); Kalir-gond, kathalya gonda (Mar); Sisibaha, Udal (Chutia Nagpur). Katirê, (Hindi).

For the gum : — Nat-Ka-Katera, Nat-Ka-Katera-gond, (Deck.); Katera (EL); Tanaku-pishin (Tam.); Kondagogu-banka, Konda-gogu-pisunu (Tel.); Shima-pangi-pasha (Mal.)

For the cotton: — Pili-Kapas-Ki-rul, Katere-Ki-jhar, Kiriu (Deck.); Tanaku-paruthi (Tam.); Konda-gogu-pathi (Tel.); Shima-pangi-paruthi (Mal.).

Habitat : — Dry hills, Garwal, Bundelkhund, Behar, Orissa and the Deccan; also commonly planted near temples.

A small deciduous tree, with a few short thick spreading branches. "Bark 1 in. thick, fibrous, deeply furrowed; inner substance red. Wood extremely soft, greyish-brown; no heart- wood. Pores large, scanty, often subdivided into compartments. Medullary rays broad, visible on a radial section as