Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/187

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93. C. Zeylanica, Linn, h.f.b.i., i. 174.

Syn. :— C. acuminata, Roxb.]] 424, Clarke's Ed,

Vern.:—Wâgeti or Govindphal (Concan). Kalokera (B.) Authoondy kai (Tam.).

Habitat:—Common in the Carnatic and Malabar; occasional in the Western Deccan.

A rigid wiry, much-branched shrub, glabrous, armed; shoots sometimes puberulous. Leaves broad, ovate to lanceolate, usually acute and mucronate, reticulate beneath; ½-1½ in. coriaceous, shining above, sometimes pubescent beneath (H.f. and Th.). Brandis says: — " Leaves ovate-lanceolate, pale beneath, 1¼-4 in.; secondary and reticulate tertiary nerves prominent." Flowers 2 in. diam., solitary, axillary or 2-3 on a short shoot; sepals 4, free, mostly imbricate in bud. Petals 4; 2 lower petals yellowish, changing to red-brown; pedicels 1-2 in., slender. Brandis says the petals are white, with a basal blotch of yellow which turns purple. Trimen says the flowers are white; the 2 upper petals, usually with a basal blotch of yellow, afterwards purple; anthers pale blue. Stamens numerous, inserted on a small disc. Filaments longer than the petals. Ovary oblong, pubescent, on a slender gynophore. Fruit 2 in., ovoid, smooth; bright scarlet when ripe, fleshy; orange-pink when ripe, says Trimen. Seeds many, embedded in pulp, colytedons convolute.

Uses : — The root is reported to be a cooling medicine in the Concan (Dymock). The green fruit is sliced, dried, cooked and eaten in Ceylon, says Trimen. The people of Bombay do the same.

94. C. Heyneana, Wall, h.f.b.i., i. 174,

Vern. :— Chayrukha (H.).

Habitat : — From South Concan and Canara to Travancore,

An erect, much-branched evergreen shrub, with minute straight stipulary thorns. Young parts red, floccose. Leaves ovate, lanceolate, acute coriaceous dark green, shining above, reddish, strongly ribbed and veined beneath. Blade 3-6 in. by