Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/170

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thiosulphate into phenylethylthioearbamide and sodium sulphate. When an attempt was made to prepare an additive compound of the silver salt with ammonia, it was found that some of the silver was replaced at the same time by ammonium. It is noteworthy that the seeds do not contain an appreciable quantity of any enzyme capable of hydrolysing the glucoside. J. Ch. S. 1900, A I. 49.

73. Cardamine pratensis, Linn. h.f.b.i., i. 138,

Habitat:—Hassora in western Tibet.

A perennial glabrous herb. Stem 1 ft. Rootstock sometimes bearing small fleshy tubers. Leaves pinnate; leaflets of the radical leaves orbicular or ovate, terminal longer: those of the cauline leaves linear-oblong entire, in equi-distant pairs, angled, shortly petioled. Flowers large white or lilac, corymbose when young. Petals spreading three times as long as sepals. Pods Lin., linear, erect. Style short.

Use:—Used as a salad for the same purpose as Nasturtium officinale.

74. Farsetia Jacquemontii, H.f. and T, H.F.B.L, I. 140.

Vern:—Mulei, farid buti, lathia, farid muli (Pb.)

Habitat:—Sandy places in the Punjab and Sindh.

An erect, rather rigid, hoary perennial herb, covered with closely adpressed hairs attached at their middle. Steins 12-18 in., branches virgate. Leaves ^-1 in., linear-oblong or linear. Flowers large; buds elliptic; Sepals acute, strigose; Petals half as long as the sepals. Stigma short, suberect. Pods narrow linear or linear-oblong, 1^-2 by |-|- in., compressed ; valves flat, nerveless or faintly one-nerved; seeds 2-seriate.

75. F. Hamiltonii, Royle. h.f.b.i., i. 140.

Habitat: Upper Gangetic plain and the Punjab, from Agra westwards.

A rigid, hoary undershrub, with forked virgate branches in the Salt Range of the Punjab. Leaves linear, Flowers