Page:Husbandman and Housewife 1820.djvu/78

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dice. The celebrated French physician Barbette, relates his having cured with a similar saponaceous draught, a young woman of the most dreadful epileptic fits, with which she had been afflicted nearly a year. After once purging her, he gave her twice a day half a dram of Venice soap, boiled in six ounces of milk till reduced to three, for each dose; which, in about thirty days completely cured her.


WHEN lambs are not owned by their dams feed them as follows: Boil 1-4 of a pound of tormentil 1 in a gallon of water a quarter of an hour, and strain it: add 1-4 with the cows milk. which reduces the milk to a proper thinness, and remedies the purging quality of the milk.

lambsShearing of.

THE largest lambs should be sheared at the time of the new moon, in July. Their fleeces will yield as much the next year, and the wool will be better, and as cold storms rarely happen at that time of the year, lambs will do better without their fleeces than with them.


How to make Leather Water Proof.

TAKE one pint of linseed oil, six ounces of bees wax, eight ounces mutton suet; melt the whole together slowly, rub the composition well upon boots and shoes sole leather as well as upper leather Care must be taken not to use the composition too warm.