Page:Husbandman and Housewife 1820.djvu/178

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one of these down his throat every three days and it is said it will effect a cure.

custard, cheap and excellent.

BOIL, in a quart of milk, a little lemon peel, a small stick of cinnamon, and a couple of peach leaves; sweeten it with a few lumps of sugar, and rubbing down smoothly two table-spoonfulls of rice flour in a small basin of cold milk, mix it with the beaten yolk of a single egg, then take a basin of boiling milk, and well mixing it with the contents of the other basin, pour the whole into the remainder of the boiling milk, and keep stirring it all one way till it begins to thicken, end is about to boil; it must then instantly be taken off and put into a pan, stirred a little together, and it may be served up either together in a dish, or in custard cups to be eaten hot or cold.


PYROLA Embellata, Winter Green, or Pipsissiwa has been found useful in dropsical cases. A table spoonful of a strong infusion of the herb is to be taken every hour, with a little sirup. In disorders of the kidnies it has been found serviceable. Its efficacy in cancer has by some been questioned.


TAKE a quantity of black elder berries, when perfectly ripe; press the juice; set it over a slow fire; add as much brown sugar as will make it palatable, let it simmer until it becomes a thin sirup. Then add one third the quantity of brandy, and cork it up for use. A wine glass full is the dose for a grown person, and in the same proportion for a child. It may be taken three or four times a day. This medicine has proved efficacious in many cases, when almost every thing else had failed.