Page:Humorous exploits of Mally Dyver.pdf/8

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Were't not for him the robbers ſure
Would take from me my gear, Sir;
But Collie gi'es a lively bark,
When dauger it is near, Sir.

At kirk or fair there's ne'er a dog,
Wi' Collie can compare, Sir;
The other day, upon the road,
He catch'd a running hare Sir.

It's very right that uſeleſs Dogs
Should pay a handſome tax, Sir;
Each one ſhould twenty ſhillings pay,
If Collies muſt pay fax, Sir.

The happy time will yet arrive,
I hope the time to fee, Sir,
When uſeleſs Dogs will all be hang'd,
And Collie Dogs gae free, Sir.



[T. Johnſton, Printer, Falkirk. 1802 ]

Where a good Assortment of Pamphlets may be (illegible text) in Wholeſale on the loweſt terms.