Page:Humorous exploits of Mally Dyver.pdf/6

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UPON the road, the other day,
I chanc'd to overtake, Sir,
Two country-men upon the road,
Who great complaint did make, Sir.

One of the two right mournful ſaid,
Oh! have you heard the news, Sir,
A heavy tax is laid on Dogs,
Which are of ſo great uſe, Sir.

Six Shillings now we all muſt pay,
If that a Dog we keep, Sir,
Poor people cannot this afford,
Tho' they ſhould loſe their ſheep, Sir,

l'm ſeventy years, or thereabout,
My neighbour's ſixty-ſax, Sir,
But never ſaw the like of this,
To lay on Dogs a tax, Sir.

Wow man, I think, there's mony ways,
To clear the nation's load, Sir,
Than to oppreſs a poor man ſo,
and tax his very Dog, Sir.

This morning, or I came frae hame,
I ſaw three Collies die, Sir,
Their owner's could not pay the tax,
Tho't had been but Shillings three, Sir.