Page:Humorous exploits of Mally Dyver.pdf/3

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Moſt cunningly ſhe did behave,
This rich old Miſer to deceive;
She ſearch'd his baggs, as I am told,
Wherein ſhe found great ſtore of gold.
O rare Mally Dyver!

Young Mally, with her golden prize,
For London town ſtraight-way ſhe flies;
Where ſhe ſet up, in Drury Lane,
And call'd her houſe, The Virgin's Inn.
O rare Mally Dyver! &c.

Both Lords and Knights, I do declare,
For Mally's houſe they do enquire,
This Queen of Harlots to embrace
Tho' void of ſhame, and free of grace!
O rare Mally Dyuer! &c.

An Iriſh Lord, a bruſk young ſpark,
He met with Mally in the dark,
Altho' his gold was very large.
To him fhe gave a free diſcharge.
O rare Mally Dyver! &c.

The next was a Juſtice of the Peace,
He came young Mally to embrace;
He thought young Mally to deceive,
But cunningly ſhe did behave.
O rare Mally Dyver! &c.

She ſays, Kind Sir, if you incline,
I'll bring you one will pleaſe your mind;
She fix'd the juſtice to the life.
She ſent and brought to him bis wife!
O rare Mally Dyver! &c.