Page:How to Play Chess (Rogers).djvu/47

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tory to the fundamental laws of Chess. For example, to move a Bishop like a King, or a Queen like a Knight, is a false move and subjects the player to certain penalties.

Files. The rows of squares across the board, from one player to another and distinguished from the Ranks which are the horizontal rows of squares. The files are named after the Pieces which occupy them at the beginning of the game. Thus, from White's side beginning at the right, we have the King's Rook's file, the King's Knight's file, the King's Bishop's file and the King's file, and so on across to the Queen's Rook's file. (See Ranks).

Force. A term used to refer to a Piece or Pawn.

Fork. The attack by a Knight upon two adverse Pieces or Pawns. It is also used to describe the double attack of a Queen, Bishop or Pawn. A common and fatal example of a fork is found when the White Knight occupies K3, and the Black King occupies KB8, and the Black Queen,