Page:History of the Royal Society.djvu/276

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Several kinds of ways to examine the goodness, and badness of Waters.

Several Engines for finding, and determining the force of Gun-powder, by Weights, Springs, Sliding, &c.

An Instrument for receiving, and preserving the force of Gun- Telescopepowder, so as to make it applicable, for the performing of any motion defir'd.

Several Instruments for examining the recoiling, true carriage, and divers other properties of Guns.

Several kinds of Otocousticons, or Instruments, to improve the sense of hearing.

Several Models of Chariots, and other Instruments, for Progressive Motion.

A Cbariot-way-wiser, measuring exactly the length of the way of the Chariot, or Coach, to which it is apply'd.

An Instrument for making Screws with great dispatch.

A way of preserving the most exact impression of a Seal, Medal, Sculpture; and that in a Metal harder than Silver.

An Instrument for grinding Optick-glasses: a double Telescope: several excellent Telescopes of divers lengths of six, twelve, twenty-eight, thirty-six, sixty foot long, with a convenient Apparatus for the managing of them: and several contrivances in them for measuring the Diameters, and parts of the Planets, and for finding the true position, and distancc of the small fix'd Stars, and Satellites.

Towards the exactness of all manner of these Optick-glasses, the English have got a great advantage of late years, by the Art of making Glass, finer, and more serviceable for Microscopes, and Telescopes, than that of Venice. This Invention was brought into our Coun-
