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258 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIET Sabine, magnetism and sun-spots, 117. Sadler -Smyth, scandal, 201 sqq. Saunder, lunar nomenclature, 223. Savary, orbits of binary stars, 75. Scale, standard, 69, 107. Schonfeld, Southern D.M., 146. Schumacher, tables, 57, 58 ; precarious position, 1848-50, 107. Schwabe, periodicity of sun-spots, 108, 116 ; drawings presented, 193. Science, state of, about 1800, 16; about 1850, no. Secretaries, in the twenties, 45. Selwyn, photos of sun presented, 192. Sheepshanks, R., on foundation of Society* 48 ; pamphlet against Babbage, 52 n. ; on South's telescope, 53 ; Groombridge Catalogue, 65 ; Cape Mural Circle, 72 ; edits Monthly Notices, 80 n., 84 ; death, 118. Sheepshanks, Miss, bequests to Cam- bridge and to Society, 192* Shooting stars, see Meteors* Signatures, book of, 46. Silvered-glass mirrors, 114. Slavinski, founder, 2, 32. Smith, H. J. S., on endowment, 210. Smyth, Piazzi, eclipse, 1851, 119 ; expedi- tion to Teneriffe, 120. Smyth, W. H., Observatory, 76 ; medal, 92, 202 ; his work, 142 ; attack on him by Sadler, 201 ; vindication by Knobel, 206. Sniadecky, 33. Societies, new scientific, 17, 18. Solar Observatory, 175 ; in Australia, 222. Solar Physics, Committee on, 207. Solar Spectrum, Kirchhoff arid Bunsen, 114 ; Rutherfurd, 198 } Higgs, 243. Solar System, motion of, 149. Somerset, Duke of, elected President, 7 ; declines, 7-10. Somerset House, rooms at, 64 ; longi- tude and latitude of, 82. Somerville, Mrs., Hon. Member, 81, bust of, 83. South, founder, 2, 21, President, 51 ; his telescope and lawsuit, 52 ; on reform of Nautical Almanac, 57, 59, 60. Spectroscopy, stellar, in 1863, 152. Spitalfields Mathematical Society, 99. Standard Scale, 69, 107. Star Constants, 15. Stokes, C., founder, 2. Stokes, G. G., change of refrangibility of light, 112 ; astronomy in 1869, 165. Stone, advowson of, 83, 124. Stone, E. J., solar parallax, 163, 196. Strange, career, 173 ; on endowment of research, 174, 175 ; opposition to Council, 177. Stratford, silver medal, 43 ; Secretary, 44, / 63 ; Superintendent of Nautical " Almanac, 62. Stratosphere, 145. Struve, O., on discovery of Neptune, 96 ; medal, 99. Struve, W., member of committee f reform of Nautical Almanac, 61. Sun-spots, period, 108, 116-117 > drawinj of, 109 ; MS. observations belongii to Society, 193. Surface of sun, Nasmyth's observation 153- Survey of heavens proposed, 6, 49. Survey, Ordnance, 117, 223. Sussex, Duke of, helps to get rooms Somerset House, 64. Tables, requisite for use with Nautic Almanac, 65. Talmage on Sadler-Smyth scandal, 2< sqq. Taylor, Henry, reduces Groombridgf observations, 65. Taylor j Richard, printer, 40. Telegrams, astronomical, 220. Tennant, on Lucknow Observatory, n proposes changes in Nautical Almanc 216. Testimonials awarded in 1848, 98. Thomson, William, work in therm dynamics, in. Transit" Ephemerides, 62. Transit of Venus, see Venus. Troughton, South's telescope, 52 ; Grooi bridge's transit circle, 72. Tupman, results of Transit of Venus, ic Tumor presents MSS., 83. Union astronomique Internationale, 228 Uranus, motion of, 66 n., 92. Usherwood, photo of Donati's comet, n Venus, Transit of, preparations for obsei ing, 1 68, 178-184 ; methods of obsei ing, 179 ; observations in 1874, 18 results, 196. Visitors admitted, 234. Voting by proxy or by post, 231. Vulcan, alleged intra-mercurial planet, i< Walker, S. C., Associate, 105. War, subscriptions during, 233. Waterston, on kinetic theory of gases, 2 other papers, 27-28, 49. Weale, publisher, 40. Weisse, testimonial, 99. Wellington, inauguration of Soutl telescope, 53. Wesley, W. H., Assistant Secretary, 18 map of moon, 223. Whitbread, efficient Treasurer, 125, 137 Wilcox, Director of Lucknow Observatoi 118. Williams, John, Assistant Secretary, * 1 86. Wolf, R., period of sun-spots, 117. Wollastoji, W. H., presents telescope, j Women asxFellows, 233. Wrottesley,tar catalogue. 73. PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY NEILL Yorkshire Young, "* ty, 23. of Nautu DIXBURGH.