Page:History of the Royal Astronomical Society (1923).djvu/288

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INDEX. Acceleration, lunar, 158. Activity of Fellows, 85, 86. Adams, discovery of Neptune, 92-97 ; testimonal, 99 ; orbit of Leonids, 162; address on presenting medal to Le Verrier, 162. Address on foundation of Society, 3-6. Addresses, presidential, 237. Advowsons, 81, 83, 124, 200. Airy on South's telescope, 54 ; reform of Nautical Almanac, 60 ; work at Cambridge, 68, 71 ; position of Ecliptic, 70 ; Astronomer Royal, 71 ; medal for Greenwich planetary reduc- tions, 92 ; testimonial, 93, 99 ; his attitude to Adams and Le Verrier, 93 ; defence of himself, 96 ; his great activity, 148 ; transit of Venus, 180 sqq. ; on Smyth's Bedford Catalogue, 202 sqq. ; on bestowing medal, 206 ; on endowment of research, 210. Amateurs in the thirties, 77 ; in the seventies, 188. American astronomers, 104 ; Associates, 105. Apartments, 35, 63 ; at Somerset House, 64, 82 ; offer of, at Kensington, 121 ; move to Burlington House, 186. Appendices to M.N. and Memoirs, 241. Argelander, testimonial, 99 ; Durchmus- terung, 116, 144, 247. Armagh, work at, 72, 73. Arrears of subscriptions, 81, 126, 233. Assistant Secretary, Epps, 63 ; Hartnup, 63, 84 ; resident, 82 ; Harris, 84 ; Williams, 84, 186 ; Wesley, 187. Associates, earliest, 47, 48 ; American, 105 ; number and qualifications, 123. Association, British Astronomical, 248. Astraea discovered, 92. Astrophysics, proposed observatory for researches on, 175. Atkinson on refraction, 70. Australian solar observatory, 222. Babbage, founder, 1-3 ; medal, 43. Bache, Associate, 105. Bailie, density of earth, 118. Baily, Ann Louisa, 32. Baily, Arthur, 2, 32. Baily, Francis, founder, 2, 3, 20, 22 ; catalogue of stars, 15 ; star con- stants, 15 ; on Barrett's annuity tables, 27; tour in America, 29-32; reform of Nautical Almanac, 56-61 ; pendulum observations, 68 ; standard scale, 69 ; central figure of R.A.S., 77 ; on Flamsteed, 78 ; edits ancient catalogues, 78 ; pays for Memoirs, 78, 83 ; his portrait, 83 ; death, 87; his work, 87 ; medal to, 91. Baily's beads, 78. Banks, Sir Joseph, disapproves of the Society, 7. Barclay, his observatory, 189. Barnard, extra meeting for, 238. Barrett, annuity tables, 26. Beaufoy, medal, 43 ; instruments pre- sented, 45 ; observations of Jupiter's satellites, 57. Becket, Edmund, on transit of Venus, 181 ; endowment of research, 208. Bedford Catalogue, 92, 202. Bedford Observatory, 76. Bequests, 191, 192, 246. Bessel, stellar parallax, 70, 89 ; pertur- bations of Uranus, 94. Billycock Hat, origin of name, 25. Binary stars, orbits of, 75. Bishop, his observatory, 77, 116 ; testi- monial, 99 ; President, 141. Blagg, Miss, lunar nomenclature, 223. Bond, G. P., discovers Hyperion, 98 ; photography, 113; Donati's Comet, !57- Bond, W. C., Associate, 105. Bowler hat, origin of name, 25. Boys, density of earth, 118. Brewster, life of Newton, 78 ; address to British Association in 1850, 112, 120. Brinkley, President, 51. Brisbane, founder of Paramatta Observa- tory, 66. Buckingham, his 21 -inch refractor, 189. Bunsen, solar spectrum, 114, Burlington House, offered in 1854, 121 ; move to, 1 86. Burnham on Smyth's Bedford Catalogue, 203, 205. Cagnoli, paper on figure of earth, 20, 56. Cambridge Observatory, Airy's work at, 68, 71. Cape, Mural Circle, 73 ; Observatory, 66, 106 ; proposed Board of Visitors, 221. Carnot, moving power of heat, 1 1 1 . 254