Page:History of the Literature of the Scandinavian North.djvu/77

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stykki," by the Icelander Eirik Oddsson, treats of his contemporary kings Harald Gille, Magnus the Blind, and Sigurd the Severe. The book is not now extant, but was in its time consulted by later authors. Probably it is also preserved in the so-called "Morkinskinna" (Rottenskin), which describes the period from Magnus the Good (1035) to 1157, and which, although in its present form coming from a later hand, is apparently originally the work of Snorre. Among documents, which served as Snorre's sources, must also be mentioned the so-called legendary saga of St. Olaf, which tells especially of Olaf's miracles and is in this respect based on older miracle books and collections of legends relating to this king.

The continuation of the Heimskringla, which various authors have contributed, embraces in addition to Swerre's saga the history of the later kings down to Magnus Lagabæter (Law-mender). Of the saga of this king, which, like that of Hakon Hakonson, was written by one of Snorre's relatives, Sturla Thordsson, we now possess only a fragment, which forms the last link in the long chain of historical works produced by Icelanders and Norwegians in the middle ages. Worthy of mention are also the so-called great or historical saga of St. Olaf and the great Olaf Trygvason's Saga, which was written in the fourteenth century and is a compilation of all earlier sources into a history of this king.[1]

  1. A. Gjessing: Undersögelse om Kongesagaens Fremvæxt I., Christiania, 1873. P. E. Müller: Kritisk Undersögelse af Danmarks og Norges Sagnhistorie (on the sources of Saxo and Snorre), Copenhagen, 1833. G, Storm: Snorre Sturlasons Historieskrivning, Copenhagen, 1873. Th. Möbius: Ueber die Heimskringla (in Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie V, 1874). Rosselet: De Snorrone Sturlæi, Berlin, 1853. Heimskringla eller Norges Kongesagaer af Snorre Sturlason, edited by C. R. Unger, Christiania, 1868. P. Wachter: Snorre Sturlasons Weltkreis (Heimskringla), übersetzt und erläutert, Leipzig, 1835-36. Konunga Sögur, Sagaer om Sverre og hans Efterfölgere, edited by C. R. Unger, Christiania, 1873. Fagrskinna, edited by P. A. Munch and C. R. Unger, Christiania, 1847. Morkinskinna, edited by C. R. Unger, Christiania, 1867. Fornmanna Sögur eptir gömlum handritum útgefnar að tilhlutum hins Konungsliga Norræna Fornfræða félaga I-IX, Copenhagen, 1825-37, with Latin translations: Scripta historica Islandorum de rebus gestis veterum Borealium I-XII, Copenhagen, 1828-46.