Page:History of the Literature of Ancient Greece (Müller) 2ed.djvu/552

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530 INDEX. Page TRAGEDY, other reasons than that given by Horace 307 no arrangement for complete change of scenic decorations 308 the Periactce, explained ib. mode of representing interiors when requisite 309 the Eccyclema and Exostra described ib. the scene-painting of Agatharchus . . 310 union of lyric poetry and dramatic discourse . . ib. analysis of, suggested by Aristotle. ... ib. the stasimon, the parodos ib. the prologue, the episodia, the exodus 311 dividing the tragedy into certain parts ib. TYE/LEUS (elegiac poet) 110 cotemporary of Callinus ib. stories respecting, how far credible . ib. subjects of his elegies, and their inten- tion Ill how recited 112 his embateria or marches 196 VENUS (Aphrodite), see 11 n. VULCAN (Hephaestus), see 11 n. WOMEN, how treated and described by the an- cient epic poets 95 their origin according to Simonides . . 140 difference of their treatment by the Ionic and jEolian races 173 strictness prescribed by Athenian man- ners .... . . . ib, WRITING and written memorials not usual in the early times of Greek literature 37 WRITING, this accounts for the rarity of useful historical data 37 and for the late introduction of prose composition 38 proved also by the ancient inscriptions ib. rendered necessary by the introduction of prose composition 239 probable antiquity of the art in Greece 260 XANTHUS (historian), his age and country 264 his genuine works 265 spurious works attributed to him .... ib. XENOCRITUS (musician) 162 XENODAMUS (musician) ib. XENOPHANES (elegiac poet), his coun- try and age 124 his character and that of his elegies . . ib. wrote an epic poem on the founding of Elea 250 first of the Eleatic philosophers ib. his philosophy ib. written in the poetic form ib. his ideas on the godhead ib. condemned the anthropomorphic con- ceptions of the Greeks concerning their gods 251 ZENO (Eleatic philosopher), his age and country 253 friend and disciple of Parmenides .... ib. his doctrines and sophisms ib. ZEUS (Jupiter), see 11 n. origin of the name 14 called Cronion or Cronides before Homer and Hesiod 87 G. Woodfall and Son, Printers, An^el Court, Skinner Street, London.