Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/850

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  • House com, 473; heated dialogue, 475; at Repub. Natl. Conv, 705.
  • Tone, Mrs. F. J, in N. Y. campn, 5109.
  • Tours, pilgrimages to Washtn, 378; the “golden flier,” motor suff. trip from New York to San Francisco, 481.
  • Towle, Mary Rutter, report as legal adviser to assn, 338, 372, 442.
  • Treadwell, Harriet Taylor, at Anthony celebr, 615.
  • Troupe, Hattie Hull, 152.
  • Trout, Grace Wilbur, work for Pres. suff. in Ills, 370; on limited suff, 495; 561; chmn. com. of arr. for natl. suff. conv, 595; welcomes dele, 507; at Repub. natl. conv, 710.
  • Trumbull, Lillie R, 120.
  • Tucker, Mrs. James, 381.
  • Tumulty, Joseph P, 515.
  • Turner, Robert, of Mass. Anti-Suff. Assn, 479.
  • Twain, Mark, for wom. suff, 297.


  • Ueland, Mrs. Andreas, bef. House com. 473; 568; arr. Miss. Valley Conf, 669-70; 680.
  • Underhill, Charles L, 391.
  • Underwood, U. S. Rep. Oscar (Ala.), 397; as U. S. Senator, 628; 640; 645.
  • United Mine Workers of America, 249.
  • United States Elections Bill to permit women to vote for members of Cong, 504, 650; Natl. Suff. Assn. and Southern Women's Conf. favor 660. See Federal Elections Bill.
  • Upton, Harriet Taylor, treas. report at natl. conv. of 1901, 12; 413 44; accepts charge of suff. headqrs, 61; presents testimonials to the Misses Gordon, 84; 88; work as natl. treas, love for suff. cause, 94; tribute of Washtn. Post, 99; 129; report, 1905, 130; has interview with Pres. Roosevelt, 137; how to deal with newspapers, 175; 176; report for 1906, 183; bef. Senate com, 188; on Anthony mem. com, 202; report for 1907, 211; 212; interviews Pres. Roosevelt, 217; report for 10908; salaries paid for first time, 235; 244; 248; treas. report for 10900, where the money went, 252; 257; report for 1910; legacies recd. work as treas. for 17 yrs; ed. of Progress 7 yrs; conv. thanks, 2767; re-elected, resigns, 282; bef. House com, urges that the mother heart and home element be expressed in Govt, 303; 315; on Congressi. Com, 319; 346; bef. House com, 305; 402; 444; on limited suff, 495; 516; 561; speaks at Anthony celebr, 615; in Tenn. ratif. campn, 652; 660; res. against U. S. Sen. Wadsworth, 692; at Repub. natl. conv, 1904, 703-4; 754; elected director of Natl. Amer. Assn, 756.
  • U'Rea, W. S, father of Initiative and Referendum, 136.


  • Valentine, Lila Meade, pres. Va. suff. assn, 288; speaks to House of Governors, 367; asks suff. for development of woman and the race, 492-3; on Congressl. Com, 506; 568.
  • Vanderlip, Frank A, on recep. com. for natl. suff. conv, 515.
  • Van Klenze, Camilla, 333.
  • Van Rensselaer, Prof. Martha (Cornell), Financing the War, 533.
  • Van Sant, Gov. Samuel R. (Minn.), 7,
  • Van Winkle, Mina, 444; 456.
  • Van Wyck, Mayor Robert A. (New York), women without a _ vote waste time appealing to legislators, 307.
  • Varney, Rev. Mecca Marie, 203.
  • Vermont, struggle for ratif. of Fed. Amend, 651, 653.
  • Vernon, Mabel, bef. House com, 473; 549.
  • Vesey Gov. Robert S. (S. Dak.), 261.
  • Victoria (Australia), gives women State vote, 243.
  • Victory Convention of National American Woman Suffrage Association in Chicago to celebr. end of its work; Call, 594; largest ever held, 595; list of frat. dele, 5096; festivities, 610.
  • Villard, Fanny Garrison (Mrs. Henry), 40; on Anthony Fund Com, 202; 220-1; at natl. suff. conv, 1908, 220; at St. Paul, recalls visit with her husband when N.P. R.R. was completed, 244; same at Spokane, 245; at Seattle, his devotion to wom. suff. and education, 251; she appeals for wom. suff, 251; tribute to Lucy Stone, 261; 263;