Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/847

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  • Somerville, Nellie Nugent, natl. vicepres, 425; 671.
  • South, members of Cong. vote for Fed. Suff. Amend, women work for it, xxii; attitude toward wom. suff, 88; see Chap. III; child labor laws, 95; resentment of southern women against attitude of southern members of Cong. on wom. suff, 188; Dr. Shaw pays tribute to the women, says it is duty of southern men to give them suff, 399; Jane Addams speaks of the men, 409; attitude of women toward suff, 463; want Fed. Suff. Amend, 472; at natl. suff. conv, speakers demand wom. suff, 490 — 3; position of members of Cong. on Fed. Suff. Amend, 516; press sentiment changes, 520; southern dele. to natl. suff. conv. present testimonials to Mrs. Catt and Dr. Shaw, 554; shall southern men stand in the way, 579; Mrs. Dudley says State's rights doctrine a fallacy; negro vote discussed, 580; many petitions for Fed. Suff. Amend, 583; from Texas, 588-9; from other southern States, 58990; Natl. Assn. gives large assistance for wom. suff. but States fail in their part, 603; vote in Cong. for Fed. Suff. Amend, 637; same, 641 — 647.
  • South Africa, iii.
  • South Dakota, Natl. Assn. helps campns, 240; 254; 277; liquor interests in suff. campn. 1013, 420; in 1918, 557; gives wom. suff, 641.
  • South, Mrs. John G, on commissn. for ratif. to West, 605; 650.
  • South, Mrs. Oliver, 394.
  • Southworth, Louisa, 146; contrib. to suff. headqrs, 754.
  • Southern Woman Suffrage Conference, reason for, organization, officers, plan of campn, 671; Mrs. Belmont finances, headqrs, paper started, 672; with State's rights plank in Dem. natl. platform conf. is discontinued, 673.
  • Spargo, John, at suff. hearing, 548.
  • Spencer, Rev. Anna Garlin, conv. sermon in 1902, 42; Felix Adler's tribute, 95; conv. sermon in 1908, 214; first woman's rights conv. result of wave of idealism, 221; strong — on social evil, 225.
  • Spencer, U. S. Sen. Selden P, speaks at suff. conv, 561.
  • Sperry, Mary S, birthday gift to Miss Anthony in 1902, 40; entertains suff. leaders, 150; pres. Calif. suff. assn, responds to greetings, 1907, 194; elected to Natl. Bd, 204; 238; responds to greetings at Portland conv, 247; 249; at Louisville conv, 317; signs appeal to natl. Repub. conv, 1904, 704.
  • Spofford, Jane H, 13; 45; mem. res. for, 180.
  • Spokane, entertains dele. to natl. suff. conv, 244 — 246.
  • Springer, Elmina, 130.
  • Stanford Mrs. Leland, mem. res. for, 146.
  • Stanley, U. S. Sen. A. O, 713.
  • Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, work for Hist. of Wom. Suff, 111; pres. natl. suff. assn, 1; 13; letter on Church and Wom. Suff, 4, 5; Clara Barton's tribute, 25; had first idea of intl. suff. conf, 26; on Educated Suff, 32; last address to natl. suff. conv, 33; 45; tributes of Miss Anthony and Dr. Shaw, 74; early fight for wom. suff, 121; tributes from college women at natl. suff. conv. in Balto, 169 — 173; for admission of women to Cornell Univ, 169; 185; 213; on first Wom. Rights Conv, 1848, 215; signs Call for it, 219; at early wom. suff. hearings, 306; writes Women's: Decl. of Rights, 1876, 333; bef. House Judic. Com, 428; address to Cong. in 1866, 521; mem. evening at natl. suff. conv, 569; at suff. hearings, 581; calls first woman's_ rights conv. and first after Civil War, 1866, prepares Memorial to Cong, 618; at first suff. conv. in Washtn, 621; deserts Amer. Equal Rights Assn, forms Natl. Suff. Assn, made pres, 621-2; address at funeral by the Rev. Moncure D. Conway; farewell words by women ministers: Miss Anthony's last birthday letter to; extended tributes in the press, 741-2.
  • Stapler, Martha, prepares Wom. Suff. Year Book, 332.
  • Statehood Protest, Natl. Suff. Assn. heads protest against bill for admitting new Territories classing women with insane, idiots and felons, 129, 130.
  • State's Rights, this argument against wom. suff. demolished by history of Dem. party; a continuous record of Fed. control, 430-432; all nations but U. S. regard suff. as a natl.