Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/843

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  • national initiative and referendum; Woman's Journal says it should have been submitted to Natl. Exec. Council, 416 418; strong protest at Miss. Valley Conf, 422; great dissatisfaction among suffs; Official Bd. stands by it; discussion at natl. conv: Miss Blackwell supports it, 422-3; will hasten day of Fed. Amend. 423; Mrs. Blatch objects, res. adopted, 423; effect on election of officers. 424; Mrs. Funk calls it natl. initiative; Congressl. Com. works for, 451; natl. suff. conv. 1915, rescinds last year's action: passes res. that Natl. Amer. will work only for old Fed. Amend; Dr. Shaw explains her action; end of Amend, 452-3; letters on it in Woman's Journal, 747 — 750.
  • Shaw. Dr. Anna Howard, at natl. conv. in 1001, would rather starve than give up worn, suff, 7; on chivalry, scores "antis," 8; appeal against "regulated" vice, 11; 12; 20; welcomes intl. suff. conf, 26; at Balto. conv, 35; on Miss Anthony's birthday, 40; speech on Power of an Incentive, 45; addresses Senate com. and urges Cong. to investigate practical working of wom, suff, 49; at natl. suff. conv. in New Orleans, 57; responds to greetings, tribute to southern women, 58; preaches Sunday sermon. 69; presides at meetings. 70-1; tribute to Mrs. Stanton. Miss Anthony and Lucy Stone, 74; lively answers to question box, 74; on The Modern Democratic Ideal. 81; on Fate of Republics, 85; at natl. conv. of 1004, 86; prepares Decl, of Principles: dele, to Berlin conf; makes southern tour. 87; optimistic view of worn. suff. 80: 98; on hymn. America. 106; elected pres. of Natl. Assn; Mrs. Catt presents. tribute of Wnshtn. Star. 108; speaks on Woman without a Country. 109; recep. en route to Portland conv. 118; presides at conv. Ore. Hist. Society presents gavel, 120; gives first written address, pen picture of. 123: pavs tribute to Sacajawea. 124; extols work of suffs. 125; answers criticisms of Cardinal Gibbons and ex-Pres. Cleveland. 125; describes great "dreamers" of the past. 126; chmn. of suff. com. of Intl. Council of Women, 127; 130; 135; 140; on Ore. suff. campn, 149; cordial recep. in Calif, 150; opens natl. suff. conv. in Balto, 152; responds to greetings, says people must help God to answer their prayers, 153; replies to Gov. Warfield, time women ceased to be proxy voters, 153-4; introd. Mrs. Howe and Miss Barton, 154; gives written address, hearers protest, 156; criticises Pres. Roosevelt's statement that women in industry decreases marriage. 157; that woman's domain is home, 158; has fun with the "oracles," Cardinal Gibbons, ex-Pres. Cleveland and Dr. Lyman Abbott, 157-8; women need self-respect; scores Legislatures, loss to country by women's disfranchisement, 150: great injustice from time of Civil War; when will Pres. and Cong, act, 160; would continue proxy votes at convs, 161; asks for women on Natl. Divorce Commissn, 164; guests of Miss Garrett at Balto. conv, 167; conducts Sunday services, 179; 184; closes conv. with appeal for consecrated work, 187; presides at Senate hearing, 188; Miss Anthony places the work in her charge, 191; presides over natl. suff. conv. of '07, 194; president's address, rejoices over victories; never will be orgztn. of Tories; farewell tribute to Miss Anthony and her sister, 200, 204; on mem. fund com, 202; tribute to suff. pioneers, 204; addresses ChiUniv. girls, 206; reads last message of Mary Anthony. 207; closes conv. with hopeful words. 212; presides at natl, conv. of looR. flowers presented, comment on teachers, 214; sends suff. assn's. greetings to Natl. W. C. T. U. 215; president's address on revolution of the pioneers: tribute of Buffalo Express. 216; opens coll. evening. 226: Mrs. George Howard Lewis gives luncheon at 2Oth Century Club. 230; presides at Sunday service, personal notice, believes in dignity of labor 230; women work but do not receive wages, 232; tells of parade in London, 233; rec. first salary as Pres, 235; rec. Mrs. Lewis's gift to Natl. Assn, 236; sympathy with Britt. "militants," 238; eloquent peroration, 242; at St. Paul, 244; presented with gavel