Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/839

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  • Post, Louis F, on Ethics of Suffrage, 18; 20; 205; 212.
  • Potter, Eva, 556.
  • Potter, Prof. Frances Squire, Women and the Vote, speech on coll. women's eve, 228; at Spokane, 246; masterly speech on Coll. Women and Democracy, 255-6; 260; elected nati. cor. secy, 261, 265; sends letter of regret from Natl. Suff. Bd. to Pres. Taft, 272; address on The Making of Democracy, 274; natl. cor. secy's. report, conv. gives rising vote, declines re-election, 281-2; on Res. Com, 289; 290.
  • Pou, U. S. Rep. Edward W. (N. C.), chmn. Rules Com, 524; 548; 628; 633; for Wom. Suff. Com, 634-5.
  • Pound, L. Annice, 109.
  • Poyntz, Juliet Stuart, 283.
  • Pratt, Mayor N. S, welcomes suff. dele. to Spokane, 244.
  • Presidential Conventions, treatment of wom. suff, see Chapter XXIII.
  • Presidential Suffrage, natl. assn's. early work for, 2, II; Mr. Blackwell's argument for, 12; right of Legis. to grant, 43; great value of, 62; Chief Justice Fuller's decision, 130; line of least resistance, 219; gained in Ills. and other States, power it gives women; first suggested by U. S. Sen. Hoar, 369-70; Ills. Sup. Ct. declares legality, 407; Natl. Exec. Council strongly endorses, 452; bills introduced in 1916, 495; Mrs. Catt declares grant by Legis. legal, 520; great "drive" for begun, 528; Natl. Assn. works for, victories gained, 539; great gains in 1918, 550-1; Mo. Legis. grants during natl. suff. conv; appeals to conv. from lowa, Tenn. and Conn. to ask their Legis. for it, 559; 98,000 women ask for in Conn, 602; granted in many States, 602, 632, 643; effect on personnel of Cong, 643.
  • Price, Ellen H. E, welcomes natl. suff. conv. to Phila, 33-4; 666.
  • Price, Lucy J, 391; 467; 476; 548; 585.
  • Primary Suffrage, in Texas, 551; in Ark, 632; in Texas, 641.
  • Prince of Wales, decorates Amer. woman doctor for war service, 735. See Finley.
  • Progress, natl. suff. organ, begun, 35; wide circulation, 60; 62,000 distrib, made a monthly, 162; changed to weekly, 205.
  • Progressive Party, adopts wom, suff, xxi; women assist, 1912, 342; Natl. Conv. declares for Fed. Suff. Amend, 480; for wom. suff, 625; formed in Chicago, adopts wom. suff, women flock into it, 705–707; strong woman suffrage plank, 714
  • Prohibition, Federal Amendment adopted, xxiii; vote for compared with vote for Suff. Amend, 449; submitted by Cong; suffs. see State's rights advocates voting for it, 537:
  • Prohibition Party, wom. suff. in platform, 206; women assist, 1912, 342; Natl. Conv. declares for Fed. Suff. Amend, 480; accepts League of Women Voters' planks, 700; always for wom. suff, 702; 714.
  • Proxies, natl. suff. conv. 1912, abolishes their voting, 341.
  • Publishing Company, Woman Suffrage; see Natl. Wom. Suff. Pub. Co.
  • Pyle, Mrs. John L, work in S. Dak, 420-1; describes successful campn, 494; 570; 669; offers res. against U. S. Sen. Wadsworth in natl. suff. conv, 692


  • Queen Mary, cables Dr. Shaw thanks of British women to Woman's Com. of Council of Natl. Defense, 738.
  • Queen Maud, of Norway, 247.


  • Race Problem, Natl. Suff. Assn. declares its neutral position, 59; Mrs. Catt says each State must decide it, 83; U. S. Sen. Borah's opinion, 413. See Negroes.
  • Rainey, Mrs. Henry T, 382.
  • Raker, U. S. Rep. John E. (Calif.), wom. suff. clean cut question of right, 356; demands Com. on Wom. Suff. in Lower House, 388; at hearing in 1916, 504-5; introd. Fed. Amend. and res. for Wom. Suff. Com, 1917, 524; 548; introd, new res. for Fed. Suff. Amend, 562; presides at hearing, 577; interviews Pres. Wilson, 583; 628; chmn, new Com. on Wom. Suff, 634-5-6; for Fed. Elections Bill, 658.
  • Raker, Mrs. John E 382.