Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/837

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  • suff. conv; explains revolution of women in Gt. Brit, 330.
  • Parades, begun in U. S, xx; in London, 233; in Gt. Brit, 237; with Fed. Amend. petit. in Washtn, 275; in New York and Washtn, 1913, 367; in Washtn. bef. inauguration, 378-9; in New York, 470; in Chicago during Repub. Natl. Conv, 482-3; “walkless parade,” in St. Louis at Dem. Natl. Conv, 483; in Chicago, 484; of British women during the war, 534; in Washtn, 625; New York, 626; Washtn, 632; Men's Leagues march, 674; in Balto, 708; rainy day parade in Chicago in 1916, 710; the “walkless” in St. Louis, 712.
  • Park, Alice L, 249.
  • Park, Maud Wood, natl. suff. conv, 1903, 83; 133; 148; at conv. in Balto, unselfishness of suff. leaders, duty of college women to assist their work, 168; 171; describes Coll. Wom. Suff. League, 226; 229; on Mass. campn, 409; 444; report for Congressl. Com, 1917, 523; presides at hearing bef. Rules Com, 549; 561; report as chmn. of Congressl. Com, 1919, 562 — 567; tribute to helpful Senators; names them, 566; praise for members of Congressl. Com, names them, 566; conv. gives rising vote of thanks and dele. speak words of praise, 567-8; re-elected, 574; at last suff. hearing, 577; excellent speech, 590; 604; 632; Congressl. Com. report, 633; tribute to Pres. Wilson, 640; org. Coll, Wom. Suff. League, 660-1; 664; chmn. Natl. League of Women Voters, 689; 701; bef. Repub. Natl. Com. 717.
  • Parker, Adella M, 255; 257; 264.
  • Parker, U. S. Rep. Richard Wayne (N. J.), chmn. at suff. hearing, 300; compliments speakers, makes no report, 309.
  • Parker, Dr. Valeria, on tour for ratif, 606; 650; on social hygiene, 686, 690, 696.
  • Parsons Elsie, Clews, 661.
  • Parsons, National Committeeman Herbert, 511.
  • Parsons Mary Ely, furnishes Dr. Shaw's office, 276.
  • Paten, Dr. Simon N, 296.
  • Patterson Hanna J, report on Penn. campn, 409; on how to organize, 444; 450; elected natl. vice-pres, 456; natl. cor. secy's report, 1916, 481; 485; 501; 503; tribute from chmn. Congressl. Com, 509; on Woman's Com. of Council of Natl. Defense, 726; receives distinguished service medal, 739.
  • Patterson, U. S. Sen. Thomas M, addresses natl. suff. conv, 45.
  • Patterson, Mrs. Thomas M, 74.
  • Paul, Alice, tells of “militancy” in Gt. Brit, 280; chmn. Congressl. Com, 366; arranges for Pres. Wilson to receive wom. suff. deputation, 374; takes part in English “militant” movement, sent to prison; wants to start one in U. S. but idea frowned upon by Dr. Shaw, who appoints her chmn. Congressl. Com. to organize parade in Washtn; shows much exec, ability; makes com. report to natl. conv, 377 — 381; forms Congressl. Union, is chmn; Mrs. Catt makes inquiries, 379 — 80; Natl. Suff. Bd. will not permit her to act as chmn. of both and she is deposed from Congressl. Com; remains head of Union, 381; has it fight Dem. party, 454-5; presides at hearing bef. House Com; members attack her for trying to defeat Dems. who were friends of wom. suff; she defends this action, 474-5; asks chairman Webb what will be in Dem. platform, 476; heads Congressl. Com, 625; org. Congressl. Union, 675; reorganized as Natl. Woman's Party, 1917, Miss Paul chmn, 676; 678-9.
  • Peabody, George Foster, on wom. suff. platform, 340; holds Dr. Shaw's annuity fund, 458.
  • Peace and Arbitration, Natl. Suff. Assn. favors, 67; Mrs. Mead and Mrs. Catt appeal for, 97-8; responsibility of U. S. for, 187; natl. suff. conv. endorses recommendation of Inter Parliamentary Union, 212; 240; Mrs. Mead calls on Natl. Amer. Suff. Assn. to assist educatl. work for it, 254; Pres Taft's effort for treaties. 326; 328; natl. suff conv. in 1914 demands women should have a voice, commends Pres. Wilson's effort for peace, 426; assn's.attitude during the war. 578; Dr. Shaw's demand for world peace. 759.
  • Penn. Peck, Prof, Mary Gray, elected natl headgqrs. secy, 261; gives report of new headqrs, value of New York center, increased demand for lit-