Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/833

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  • Meeker, U. S. Rep. Jacob E. (Mo.), 516.
  • Memorials, to pioneer suffs. at natl. conv, 1901, 16; to Miss Anthony, 201-2; 569; 615.
  • Men's Leagues for Woman Suffrage, International and National, Mr. Blackwell's interest in, 278; in Calif, 288; from Calif. to Va, 311; in U. S, has an evening at natl. suff. conv. in 1912, 340; in 1913, 377; in 1914, 407; league formed in Tenn, 408; chapter on, 673.
  • Meredith, Ellis, address on Menace of Podunk, 15; edits Progress, 35; on effect of wom. suff. in Colo, 101; 112; 585; improved election laws, 686; at Repub. Natl. Conv, 710.
  • Merrick, Caroline E, 17; pioneer suff. of La, shares honors with Miss Anthony, 58; 80; 106; 137; 191; 208.
  • Merrick, Edwin, need of wom. suff, 80.
  • Meyer, Heloise, elected to Natl. Bd, 501; in war service, 517; 526-7; retires from office, 541; 724.
  • Michigan, gives women taxpayers a vote, 243; wom. suff. amend. defeated by fraud, 339; other reasons, 474; gives suff. to women, 550; Natl. Assn. assists campn, 557.
  • Milholland, Inez, 326
  • “Militancy,” in Gt. Brit, xv; Mrs. Snowden justifies, 237-8; Dr. Shaw and natl. suff. conv. sympathize, 238; Alice Paul's account, 280; Mrs. Pankhurst says women stood 8 hrs. at entrance of House of Commons; assault of police, 330-1.
  • Miller, Alice Duer, Sisterhood of Women, 283: 502.
  • Miller, Anne Fitzhugh, 188; tribute to Mr. Blackwell, 279.
  • Miller, Caroline Hallowell, 33; 45; 180.
  • Miller, Elizabeth Smith, 34; 60; 208; 288: memorial, 328.
  • Miller, Florence Fenwick, at intl. conf. in Washtn, 31; 40-1; addresses House com. on official and polit. status of women in Gt. Brit, 52; 87.
  • Miller, Mayor John F. (Seattle), wom. suff. record of Wash, 250.
  • Miller, Mrs. John O, presents suff. flag from Penn. assn. to Natl, 501; chmn. com. on Dr. Shaw's mem. fund, 613.
  • Miller, Mrs. Walter McNab, tells of suff. petition in Mo, 402; elected to Natl. Bd, 425; 456; report of extensive field work, 483; 485; 516; reports for assn's war com. on Thrift, 520; work as chmn. of Congressl. Com; spoke 200 times in 15 States, wrote 3,000 letters, travelled 13,000 miles; work at Washtn. headqrs, 526-7; welcomes natl. suff. conv. to St. Louis, 553; report on Food Conservation, 1918, 560; at Anthony celebr, 615; 724; work on Thrift Com, 727.
  • Mills, Mrs. C. D. B, 559.
  • Mills, Harriet May, addresses Senate com, 47; same, 110; speaks at natl. suff. conv, 187; same, 289; same, 382; on N. Y. campn, 518.
  • Miner, Maude E, no danger in immoral women's vote, 233; 372.
  • Minor, Judge Francis, urges women to vote under 14th Amend, 622; carries case to U. S. Sup. Ct, 623; wants Cong. to enable women to vote for its members, 657.
  • Minor, Mrs. Francis, tries to vote under 14th Amend, 623.
  • Mississippi Valley Conference, members opp. Shafroth Amend, 422; orgztn, great need of, valuable work, 667 — 671.
  • Mitchell, John, 288.
  • Mitchell, U. S. Sen. John A, 111.
  • Mitchell, Mrs. Willis G, 519.
  • Mondell, U. S. Rep. Frank W. (Wyo.), introd. Fed. Suff. Amend, 1910, 300; testimony for equal suff. in Wyo, criticises Pres. Wilson for not referring to wom. suff. in message, calls for special suff. com, 396; speaks for Amend. bef. House Judic. Com, 428; 449; natl. suff. conv. thanks for assistance, 450-1; introd. Fed. Amend, 1917, 524; speaks for Wom. Suff. Com, 548; speaks for Fed. Amend, 629; on Wom. Suff. Com, 634; majority leader, 644.
  • Mondell, Mrs. Frank W, 396.
  • Monroe, Lilla Day, 106.
  • Montana, successful suff. campn, 401, 409; liquor interests and copper company opp. Wom. Suff. Amend, Miss Rankin's work, 421; Repub. and Dem. women's vote, 584; gives wom. suff, 625.
  • Moore, Laura, 137; 204.
  • Moore, Mrs. Philip North (Eva Perry), pays tribute to Miss Anthony and other suff. pioneers, 171; 540; 558; 726.
  • Morawetz, Mrs. Victor, in N. Y. campn, $19.