Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/804

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  • tility of members of Cong, to Fed. Stiff. Amend, 516.
  • Alaska, wom. suff. granted, 366, 370, 625.
  • Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, 243; great beauty, suff. day, 264-5.
  • Alden, Cynthia Westover, 258.
  • Allen, Florence E, in Independence Square, 333; advises amending city charters for wom. suff, 494; 617; 662.
  • Allen, Gov. Henry J. (Kans.), addresses suff. conv, 576; calls spec. session to ratify Fed. Amend, 650.
  • Allen, Mrs. Henry Ware, at suff. hearing; world calls for mother voice, 578, 581.
  • Allender, Nina, 366.
  • Amalgamated Copper Co, works against wom. suff, 421.
  • Amendments, State, failure of campaigns for, xvii; Natl. Assn. assists, xvii, 1, 2; difficulty of, xviii; requirements in different States; record of, 403; in New York, 417; defeated in 1915 in Mass, N. Y, Penn. and N. J, but recd. million and a quarter votes, 439; campaigns for must have consent of Natl. Bd, 510; carried in Mich, S. Dak. and Okla, 550; the campaigns, 557; 620; 630; atic of Fed. Wom. Suff. Amend, 751.
  • American Constitutional League, at last suff. hearing, 583; tries to prevent proclaiming of Fed. Suff. Amend, 653; work against Amend, 680-682.
  • American Equal Rights Association, formed, 619; women desert, 621-2. American Federation of Labor, endorses wom. suff, 205, 249; record of wom. suff. res, 301; 638.
  • American Woman Suffrage Association, 38; 311; formed, 622.
  • Americanization, Natl. Suff. Assn. works for, 724, 729, 732.
  • Ames, Mayor Albert A, (Minneapolis), 7.
  • Ammons, Prof. Theodosia, 52.
  • Anderson, Martha Scott, 21.
  • Anthony, U. S. Rep. Daniel R. (Kans.), 146; 288.
  • Anthony, Lucy E, 118; gives $1,000 to League of Women Voters in memory of her aunt, Susan B, 609; 757
  • Anthony, Mary S, 45; 107; reads Decl. of Sentiments to conv, 144; death, 201; last message to suff. conv, 207; 276; assists memorial bldg. at Rochester University; scholarship, 744-5.
  • Anthony Memorial Building at Rochester University, 201; names of exec. com; list of donors; Miss Anthony's work for admission of girls; they commemorate her birthday; Pres. Rhees calls bldg. great contribution, 743-745.
  • Anthony, Susan B, work for Hist. of Wom. Suff, iii, iv, resigns as pres. of Natl. Amer. Suff. Assn, 1; at natl. conv. in Minneapolis, reads Mrs. Stanton's letter on church and wom. suff. and comments, 3 — 5; 9; appeal against "regulated" vice, 11; work on Congressl. Com, 11; vase presented, 13; interest in N. Y. Sun suff. dept, 14; presides and introduces pioneers, 16; extract from biography, 22; Clara Barton's tribute, 25; welcomes intl. suff. conf, had early idea of it, 26; presides at pioneer's meeting, 31; on eductl. qualif. for suff, 32; introd. Mr. Blackwell, 33; at teacher's cony, 34; 82d birthday celebr. in Washtn, 39; lack of self-consciousness, 41; on com. to interview Pres. Roosevelt, 44; pen picture of on suff. platform, 45; at natl. suff. ew Orleans, 57; tribute to Mrs. Merrick, 58; flowers presented from Phyllis Wheatly Club, 60; presides at conv, 64; 67; tribute to Mrs. Stanton, 73-4; writes to Govs. of equal suff. States, 87; dele. to intl. suff. conv. in Berlin, 87; attends White House reception, tells Pres. Roosevelt to expect the suffs; Alice Roosevelt greets, 88; 84th birthday celebr. in Washtn, 98; incident, 99; Mrs. Catt's tribute, 100; presides on Colo. evening, 100; women pledge loyalty, 102; 107; tribute to Miss Barton, who responds, 109; presides at Senate hearing, says she has appealed to seventeen Congresses, urges a report for the last time, 110-11; recep. by Chicago Woman's Club and others en route to Portland, 117-18; entertained by U. S. Sen. and Mrs. Carey in Cheyenne, 118; responds to greetings to natl. suff. conv, receives ovation, tells of Mrs. Stanton's and her visit to Ore. in '71 and early opposition, 120, 121; presides at first session, pen picture of, not always roses that were thrown, 122; introduces Mrs. Duniway, 123;