Page:History of Journalism in the United States.djvu/469

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Macaulay, Thomas B.

(cited), 23 Madison, James, 144, 149,

150, 158, 159, 160,

161, 162, 178, 183 Madisonian, Washington,

236 Magazine, American, 91 Manumission Journal, 222 Marcy, Governor, 260 Marshall, Edward, 380 Martial (cited), 2 Maryland Gazette, 63, 68

Journal, 94, 133 Massachusetts Centinel, 142,


Massachusetts Colony, Gov- ernor, 61 Gazette, 105, no, in

Massachusetts Historical Collections (cited), 85 Historical Society Collec- tions (cited), 25 Historical Society Pro- ceedings (quoted), 183 Spy, 85, 86, 92, 113, 145, 176

Mather, Cotton, 11, 32

Mather family, 29, 30

Maverick, Augustus (quot- ed), 28s

Maxwell, William, 209, 224

May, Sir Thomas Erskine (cited), 3, 6

Mayflower, i, 36

Mayhew; Jonathan, 102, 103

Maynard Case, 364

Medill, Joseph, 318, 331, 333,

347 Mein, John, 83, 84

Mercury, American Weekly, 40, 42, 63 Charleston, 304, 312 Cincinnati, 209 Newport, 66, 93, 119, 133 New York, 87, 90 Weekly, New York, . 128,


Portsmouth, 98 Meredith, Hugh, 43 Merriam, George S. (cited),

328 Miami Gazette, 209 Mill, John Stuart, 349 Miller, David C, 221 Milton, John, 7, ill Minerva, New York, 167,

168 Missouri Compromise, 286

Journalism in, 330

Gazette, 215 Mitchell, Edward P. (cited),


Moniteur de la Louisicme, La, 216

Monroe, James, 144, 219, 234

Montesquieu, in

Montgomery, Governor, 48

" Moon Hoax," 245

Morgan, Edwin D., 319

Morgan, William, 221

Morley, Henry (cited), 27

Mormons, 373

" Morning Gun of the Revo- lution," 103

Morning Post, New York,

243. 273 Morris, Chief Justice, 48 Morris, Gouvemeur (cited),