Page:History of Journalism in the United States.djvu/428

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BiNNEY, HORACE: "Leaders of the Old Bar of Philadelphia," in Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, vol. xiv. No. I, p. I. 1890.

BIRNEY, WILLIAM: James G. Birney and His Times. Appleton, New York, 1890.

BIRRELL, AUGUSTINE: Thomas Paine, in his In the Name of the Bodleian, pp. 195-206. New York, 1905.

BISHOP, CORTLANDT F.: History of Elections in the American Colonies. New York, 1893.

BLAINE, JAMES GILLESPIE: Twenty Years of Congress, 2 vols. Norwich, Conn., 1884-86.

BLANCHARD, RUFUS: The Discovery and Conquests of the Northwest, 2 vols. Chicago, 1880.

BLANCHARD, RUFUS: The Rise and Fall of Political Parties in the United States. Chicago, 1884.

BOBIN, ISAAC: Letters of Isaac Bobin, New York Colonial Tracts. No. iv. Albany, 1872.

BOLTON, NATHANIEL: Lecture delivered before the Indiana Historical Society. Indianapolis, 1853.

BOOTH, MARY L.: History of the City of New York. New York, 1867.

BORGEAUD, CHARLES: The Rise of Modern Democracy in Old and New England. London, 1894.

BOURNE, H. R. FOX: English Newspapers, vol. i. London, 1887.

BOURNE, R. R. FOX: The Life of John Locke, 2 vols. New York, 1876.

BOYNTON, HENRY WALCOTT: Journalism and Literature. Houghton Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1904.

BRADFORD, ALDEN: History of Massachusetts, 1620 to 1820. Boston, 1835.

BRADFORD, ALDEN: Memoir of the Life and Writings of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Boston, 1838.

BRIGHAM, CLARENCE SAUNDERSs: Burke, Major, fourth paper presented by, with other papers edited and published by Roger Williams, in London, 1652. Providence, R. I., 1903.