Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/525

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TOWN LEGISLATION. 423 seph Bowen, Allen C. Matthewson, Harrison H. Richardson, Leonard S. Bosworth, Lewis B. Smith. April 3, 1872. Resolutions passed on the death of Rev. Francis Horton : " Whereas, since our last Annual Town Meeting death has entered our midst and taken from us the Rev. Francis Hor- ton, a man who was loved and respected by all, one whoever evinced great interest in the general welfare of our town, and a particular interest in the prosperity of our schools, one whose great aim seemed to be to labor for the good of others, therefore Resolved, that while we bow in humble submission to Him who controlleth all things and whose ways are not our ways, we shall miss our departed friend and mourn his absence from among us as we year by year gather together for the transaction of business of the Town. And although the places that once knew him shall know him no more forever, and his counsels can never more be given us, we feel truly thankful that his life was so long spared as to bequeath to us by his example such evidence of honor, patriotism, and strict integrity." The bridges over the Warren and Barrington rivers having been declared free by the General Assembly, the town approved of the act, and the appropriation of $6,000 made by the State for repairs, the towns of Barrington, Warren, and Bristol to have charge of them afterward. Thomas W. Bicknell, Charles H. Bowden, and John A. Wheaton were appointed a committee to draw up resolutions to this effect. A resolution favoring the union of Providence and Bristol Counties, presented by William H. Allin was passed unani- mously. April 2, 1873. The town council was ordered to widen and straighten the following highways and Five hundred dollars was appropriated for the purpose. I. The highway running westerly from the Congrega- tional Church to middle highway.