Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/518

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416 THE HISTORY OF BAREINGTON. June 7, 1798. At this meeting $75 was appropriated for building two new pounds, one on the East and the other on the West Neck. June 2, 1800. "Voted, to adopt the Act of the General Assembly respecting keeping a free school in this town, and appointed a committee for the purpose. of agreeing on apian for carrying the same into effect; Messrs. William AUin, Ebenr. Peck, Nathl, Smith, Amariah Lilley, Jeremiah Bowen, and Benjamin Drown, to draw up a plan and report to the town on the 3d Monday in June." April 17, 1805. " Voted, that the Lot on or near which the Meeting House now Stands which was formerly conveyed to the Town by Joshua Bicknell Esqi". Deed for the purpose of Setting a Meeting House thereon But the use for which the same was granted Neglected to be Inserted in the Deed, Be transfered by Deed to the United Congregational Society in the Town of Barrington for the purpose of erecting a Meet- ing house thereon and the Town Treasurer is hereby directed to give a Deed thereof Accordingly." At a Town Meeting Specially Called at the Requests of Several Freemen in Writeing to the Town Gierke Directed & Individually Warned by the Town Sergeants : Barrington May 16, 1805, Nathaniel Smith Esqr Moderator. Passed the following Vote: "Whereas the lot whereon the old Meeting House now stands on the Easterly Side where the old Road formerly Run is the property of the Town ; And Also the old Road & the Lot on the Westerly Side thereof Conveyed to the Town by Joshua Bicknell Esq., Deceased, as by Deed on Record bearing date November 4th A. D. 1773 doth appear Bounded as follows. Beginning at a heap of Stones on the East Side of the Highway & Runing Southerly by sd way about thirteen Rods & an half to a stake & heap of Stones for a Corner, then turning & Runing Easterly a Straight line to the Salt Water thence Northerly by the Salt Water to the first mentioned Corner the above mentioned bounds Comprehend both of said Lots and the Strip of old Road Runing through the Same.