Page:Historic towns of the middle states (IA historictownsofm02powe).pdf/480

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Tarrytown, H. W. Mabie on, 137-167;
  described, 137-140;
  early Dutch settlements, 140-145;
  derivation of name, 146;
  the Philips Manor-House, 148-150;
  the old Dutch church, 150-156;
  Tarrytown in the Revolution, 157-160;
  capture of John André, 158-161;
  Washington Irving, 161-164

Tatnall, Joseph, Washington visits, 357;
  gives clock to Wilmington, 359

Tawasentha, Vale of, 29

Taylor, Bayard, 205

Tenacong, see Tinicum

Thackeray, W. M., 206

Thaw, Wm., generosity to Pittsburgh, 424

Thesschenmaecher, Rev. Petrus, 88

Ticonderoga, 19, 40, 51, 54, 233, 405

Tiemann, Mayor, death of, 170

Tifft house, the, 377

Tilden, Samuel J., 205

Tinicum, Prinz's fort at, 340

Torkillius, Rev. R., at Fort Christina, 338, 365

Townsend, Charles, 384

Townsend, Sam, 361

Tran Hook, see Crane Hook

Treaty of 1783, 289

Trefalldigheet, 343

Trent, Captain Wm., establishes first settlement at Pittsburgh, 397-399

Trenton, battle of, 270-274

Trinity Church, New York, 227

Tryon, Governor, quoted, 56

Tusculum, 271


Union College, 102-106

University of Pennsylvania, 324

University Settlement, New York, 208

Usselinx, Wm., and his trading company, 335

Utrecht, 216;
  treaty of, 96


Vallandigham, E. N., on Wilmington, 335-365

Van Curler, Arendt, at Schenectady, 75-84, 92

Vanderheyden Palace, 30

Van Rensselaer, Killiaen, 8, 75

Van Rensselaer, Stephen, 25

Van Rensselaer Island, 4

Van Rensselaer Manor-House, 25, 26

Van Slechtenhorst, Brandt, 9

Van Twiller, Walter, 336

Van Wart, Isaac, 160

Van Wyck house, 132

Van Wyck, James, 132

Verplanck house, 131

Verrazzano, 2

Versailles, peace of, 289

Virginia, dispute with Pennsylvania, 414

Vliessingen, see Flushing

Von Königsmark, 346

Von Steuben, see Steuben


Waalboght, 213

Wadsworth, Colonel, 122

Wallabout, village of, 224, 233, 242

Walk-in-the-Water, first steamboat on Lake Erie, 384

Walworth, E. H., on Saratoga, 39-70

War of 1812, see various chapters

Washington, plan of city, 187, 368

Washington, George, and the site of Pittsburgh, 393;
  at Great Meadows, 399;
  with Braddock, 404;
  opens road to Fort Duquesne, 405;