Page:Historic towns of the middle states (IA historictownsofm02powe).pdf/174

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liberties of our country and who wickedly attempts to open the flood-gates of civil discord. . . .

By thus determining and thus acting you will persue the plain and direct road to the attainment of your wishes . . . you will by the dignity of your conduct afford occasion to posterity to say when speaking of the glorious example you have exhibited to mankind, 'Had this day been wanting, the world had never seen the last stage of perfection to which human nature is capable of attaining.'"

Crossing the river by the ferry sloop to Fishkill one finds in this Revolutionary centre of military supplies much of interest. Here were Baron Steuben's headquarters in the Verplanck house, where the Nicola letter was written and the Society of Cincinnatus in part was formed; here at Swartwoutville the headquarters of Washington; here on the Wicopee, in the James Van Wyck house, the residence of John Jay, and at Brinkerhoff, in the home of Matthew Brinkerhoff, the roof which sheltered Lafayette when he lay ill of a fever. The Dutch Church in Fishkill has been made famous by Cooper's Spy. Trinity Church was a hospital, and on the banks of the Hudson at Presqu' Ile one rests under the oak which shaded Washington when he waited for his letters to be brought to him from Newburgh.