Page:Herbert Jenkins - Bindle.djvu/324

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Globe "As good a piece of literary biography as is likely to come the public's way."
Spectator "We think this Life of Borrow will be found the most rational that has yet appeared."
Outlook "Mr. Jenkms' admirable and authoritative biography has succeeded where others have failed."
Saturday Review "In Mr. Jenkins' new Life, Borrow stands out clear and recognisable as a living human being."
T. P.'s Weekly "Undoubtedly the best Life of George Borrow . . . more interesting than any single volume of Borrow himself."
Daily Telegraph "The biographer does signal service to his subject, and raises his own contribution into the ranks of literature."
Graphic "Mr, Jenkins' book is an unqualified success and gives him an enviable place among living biographers . . . the definite Life."
Daily News "So far as a biography, careful, critical and exact, goes, Mr. Jenkins' admirable 'Life' holds and will continue to hold the field."
Daily Mail "Here at last is a Life that combines the popular with the painstaking . . . we most heartily commend Mr. Jenkins' vivid portrait of a vivid personality."
Review of Reviews "Mr. Herbert Jenkins deserves the congratulations heaped upon him by the press of all shades of opinion by the way in which he has compiled his life of George Borrow."
Montreal Gaz. "A work of rare interest."
Johannesburg Star "The definitive Life of Borrow."
Sydney Morning Herald "An exceedingly interesting biography."
Times of India "A book which no reader will put down without finishing."
New York Times "The latest biography of the Scholar Gypsy reveals him fully."