Page:Henry VI Part 2 (1923) Yale.djvu/97

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King Henry the Sixth, IV. ii

Mich. Fly, fly, fly! Sir Humphrey Stafford 124
and his brother are hard by, with the king's

Cade. Stand, villain, stand, or I'll fell thee
down. He shall be encountered with a man as 128
good as himself: he is but a knight, is a'?

Mich. No.

Cade. To equal him, I will make myself a
knight presently. [Kneels.] Rise up Sir John 132
Mortimer. [Rises.] Now have at him.

Enter Sir Humphrey Stafford and his Brother, with drum and Soldiers.

Staf. Rebellious hinds, the filth and scum of Kent,
Mark'd for the gallows, lay your weapons down;
Home to your cottages, forsake this groom: 136
The king is merciful, if you revolt.

Bro. But angry, wrathful, and inclin'd to blood,
If you go forward: therefore yield, or die.

Cade. As for these silken-coated slaves, I pass not: 140
It is to you, good people, that I speak,
O'er whom, in time to come I hope to reign;
For I am rightful heir unto the crown.

Staf. Villain! thy father was a plasterer; 144
And thou thyself a shearman, art thou not?

Cade. And Adam was a gardener.

Bro. And what of that?

Cade. Marry, this: Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March, 148
Married the Duke of Clarence' daughter, did he not?

Staf. Ay, sir.

Cade. By her he had two children at one birth.

130 No: i.e. he is no more
137 revolt: i.e. forsake Cade
145 shearman: one who shears cloth