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Said he, “I’ve a thought of my own:
Of the people, so stupid the taste is,
I could fill the new playhouse in June
If I only could furnish new faces.”

In addition to those I have named,
Harry Cruger78 was there in his glory,
That ci-devant jeune homme so famed
In Paris—but that’s an old story.
And General Lewis,79 by Jove!
With two vests, and a new fashioned eye-glass,
He looked like the young god of love
At distance beheld through a spy-glass.

I have read my first stanza again,
And find that for once I have erred:
For Robert and Mat were the men,
Instead of Buchanan and Sherred.
Two Frenchmen, the best I have met,
At home in bad English and flummery,
Were there—just to make up the set,
Together with Master Montgomery.80

Jack Nicholson81 wanted to come
With his pea-jacket on, but the ladies
Compelled him to leave it at home;
So he wore, as becoming his trade is,