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He had read the newspapers with great attention,

Advertisements and all; and Riley's book
Of travels—valued for its rich invention;
And Day and Turner's Price Current; and took
The Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews;
And also Colonel Pell's; and, to amuse


His leisure hours with classic tale and story,

Longworth's Directory, and Mead's Wall-street,
And Mr. Delaplaine's Repository;
And Mitchill's scientific works complete,
With other standard books of modern days,
Lay on his table, covered with green baize.


His travels had extended to Bath races;

And Bloomingdale and Bergen he had seen,
And Harlem Heights; and many other places,
By sea and land, had visited; and been,
In a steamboat of the Vice President's,
To Staten Island once—for fifty cents.


And he had dined, by special invitation,

On turtle, with "the party" at Hoboken;