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In painting, we have Trumbull's proud chef d'œuvre,

Blending in one the funny and the fine:
His "Independence" will endure for ever,
And so will Mr. Allen's lottery-sign;
And all that grace the Academy of Arts,
From Dr. Hosack's face to Bonaparte's.


In architecture, our unrivalled skill

Cullen's magnesian shop has loudly spoken
To an admiring world; and better still
Is Gautier's fairy palace at Hoboken.
In music, we've the Euterpian Society,
And amateurs, a wonderful variety.


In physic, we have Francis and McNeven,

Famed for long heads, short lectures, and long bills;
And Quackenboss and others, who from heaven
Were rained upon us in a shower of pills;
They'd beat the deathless Æsculapius hollow,
And make a starveling druggist of Apollo.


And who, that ever slumbered at the Forum,

But owns the first of orators we claim: