Page:H.M. The Patrioteer.djvu/232

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Feelings of exaltation were still swelling in Diederich's breast when Emma and Magda received an invitation to tea one afternoon from Frau von Wulckow. It could only be in connection with the play which the Governor's wife was having produced at the next entertainment of the Harmony Club. Emma and Magda were to have parts. They returned home flushed with pleasure. Frau von Wulckow had been exceed ingly charming, with her own hands she had put cake after cake on their plates. Inge Tietz was mad! Some officers were going to take part in the play! Special costumes would be required; if Diederich thought they could do with their fifty marks. … But Diederich gave them unlimited credit. None of the things they bought were fine enough in his opinion. The sitting-room was strewn with ribbons and artificial flowers and the girls were bewildered by Diederich's interruptions and advice. Then a visitor called; it was Guste Daimchen.

"I haven't yet properly congratulated the happy bride," she feaid, trying to smile affectionately, but her eyes roved anxiously over the flowers and ribbons. "I suppose these are for the silly play?" she inquired. "Wolfgang heard about it. He says it is awfully silly." Magda replied: "He could hardly tell you anything else, since you are not acting in it." And Diederich declared: "That is just his way of excusing him self because, on his account, you are not invited to Wulckow's." Guste gave a contemptuous laugh. "We can do without the Wulckows, but we are going to the Club dance." Diederich asked: "Don't you think it would be better to wait until people have forgotten the trial?" He looked at her sympathetically. "Dear Fraulein Guste, we are old friends. You will allow me to warn you that your relations with the Bucks are