Page:H.M. The Patrioteer.djvu/157

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work along reasonably liberal lines, provided his strong feeling of devotion to King and country were respected. Dr. Heuteufel declared that this was merely playing with words. Whereupon Diederich lost his head. This man held him in the hollow of his hand, and with the help of a certain document could show him up as a coward! The mocking smile on his yellow Chinaman's face, this attitude of superiority, these were a perpetual threat. He remained silent and allowed the sword to dangle a little longer over Diederich's head. This could not last! "I command you," said Diederich, hoarse with excitement, "to give me back my letter." Heuteufel feigned astonishment. "What letter?"—"The one I wrote you about my military service, when I was called up."

The Doctor thought back.

"Oh, I remember, when you wanted to evade service!"

"I knew you would distort my thoughtless statements into something insulting to me. Once again I demand the return of the letter." Diederich stepped forward threateningly, but Heuteufel stood his ground.

"Don't bother me. I haven't got your letter any more."

"I demand your word of honour."

"I do not give that to order."

"Then I warn you of the consequences of your dishonourable conduct. Should you ever try to cause me trouble with that letter, it will be a case of violating professional secrets. I will denounce you to the Medical Council, bring proceedings against you, and use all my influence to make your further career impossible!" In the tensity of his excitement his voice dropped to a whisper. "I tell you I am prepared for the worst! Between us, from now on there can be only war to the knife!"

Dr. Heuteufel looked at him curiously, and shook his head, shaking his long Chinese moustache. "You are hoarse," he said.