Page:H.M. The Patrioteer.djvu/142

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The two gentlemen clasped hands fervently. They gazed into each other's eyes with mute promises of strength and loyalty. "Sir," said the major, "you have behaved like a real German patriot." Bowing and scraping, they settled their chairs in their places, presented their glasses to one another, and finally drank. Diederich immediately ordered another bottle. The major emptied his glass as regularly as it was filled, and between drinks he assured them that he too could take his stand when it was a question of German loyalty. "Even though my King has now relieved me of active service—"

"The major," Jadassohn explained, "was last stationed at the military depot."

"—I have still got the heart of an old soldier"—striking his breast—"and I shall always oppose unpatriotic tendencies, with fire and sword!" As he shouted these words his fist came down heavily upon the table. At that moment Herr Cohn hastened out behind his back, pulling his hat down upon his head. In order that his departure should look less like a retreat Herr Buck's brother first went to the lavatory. "Ha, ha!" said Jadassohn. Then in a louder tone: "Major, the enemy is in flight." Pastor Zillich was still uneasy.

"Heuteufel is still there. I do not trust him."

As Diederich ordered the third bottle he looked round contemptuously at Lauer and Dr. Heuteufel, who were sitting alone and staring shamefacedly at their beer glasses.

"We have the power," said he, "and those gentlemen over there are well aware of it. They have already resigned themselves to the fact that the sentry fired. They now look as if they were afraid that it would be their turn next. And their turn will come!" Diederich explained that he would lodge a complaint with the Public Prosecutor against Herr Lauer because of his previous statement. "And I shall see," Jadassohn assured him, "that the complaint is followed up. I shall