Page:H.M. The Patrioteer.djvu/140

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sudden terror Diederich began to fear revelations from his school-days, when Dr. Heuteufel had painted his throat and accused him of being a coward. He broke into a sweat, but called all the more loudly for lobster and champagne.

The Masonic brethren at the other table had worked themselves up again over the violent death of the young workman. What were the military and the Junkers thinking about when they ordered it? They acted as if they were in a conquered country! When they had become more heated they rose to the point of demanding that the conduct of the State should be in the hands of the civilians, who, as a matter of fact, did all the work. Lauer wanted to know in what respect the ruling caste was any better than other people. "They are not even superior in race," he declared, "they are all infested with Jews, even including the princely family." But he added: "I mean no offence to my friend, Cohn."

It was time to intervene, Diederich felt. He hastily swallowed another glass, then stood up, marched heavily into the middle of the room beneath the Gothic chandelier, and said sharply:

"Herr Lauer, allow me to ask whether German princes are included in the princely houses which, according to your personal opinion, are infested with Jews?"

Quietly, and in an almost friendly fashion, Lauer replied: "Why, certainly."

"Indeed," said Diederich, drawing a deep breath before delivering his final stroke. The entire restaurant was all attention as he asked:

"Amongst these Jewish princely families in Germany do you include one which I do not need to specify?" Diederich said this with an air of triumph. He was perfectly certain that his opponent would now lose his head, stammer and crawl under the table. But he found himself met with unexpected cynicism.

"Oh, why not?" said Lauer.