Page:H.M. The Patrioteer.djvu/131

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stopped short and began to explain that he could easily understand how these people always won their cases in the courts. "They stick together and close their ranks." Pastor Zillich muttered something about orgies which were said to be celebrated in that building, and at which unspeakable things had happened. Jadassohn smiled significantly:

"Well, it is fortunate that their windows are overlooked by Herr von Wulckow." And Diederich nodded approvingly at the government building on the opposite side of the street. Next door stood the military depot, in front of which a sentinel was marching up and down. "It does your heart good to see the glint of the rifle of one of those fine fellows," cried Diederich. "With them we can hold that gang in check."

As a matter of fact, the rifle did not shine, because it was dark. Groups of returning workmen were already making their way home through the evening crowd. Jadassohn proposed that they should go and take a drink at Klappsch's, round the corner. It was comfortable there, for at that hour there were no customers. Klappsch was also a loyal citizen, and while his daughter was bringing the beer he expressed his warmest thanks to the Pastor for the good work which he was doing for his youngsters in the Bible class. It was true that the eldest had again stolen some sugar, but he had not been able, in consequence, to sleep at night, and had confessed his sins to God so loudly that Klappsch had heard him and had given him a good hiding. From that the talk drifted to the government officials whom Klappsch supplied with lunch. He was able to report how they spent churchtime on Sundays. Jadassohn took notes while, at the same time, his hand disappeared behind Fräulein Klappsch. Diederich discussed with Pastor Zillich the founding of a Christian workman's club. "Any of my men who won't join will have to go," he promised. This prospect cheered up the Pastor. After the girl had brought beer and cognac several times he found himself in the same state of hopeful determination to