Page:Guy Boothby - The Beautiful White Devil.djvu/275

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into her beautiful eyes, " can you believe that, so far, you are safe ?"

"Hardly," she said. "But we must not relax any of our precautions. By this time the police will have learned the truth, and I shouldn't be at all surprised if the train is searched at Eastleigh. They're certain to telegraph in every direction to stop us."

"But surely they won't suspect us?"

"I hope not, but we must not make too sure." Here she crossed the carriage and took my sister's hand. "Janet, what could George have been thinking of to allow you to run this risk? Why did you do it?"

In reply Janet patted her hand, and looked affectionately into her face.

"If you really want to know the reason, it was because we both love you."

"You are too good to me," Alie answered, her dear eyes swimming with tears, "far too good."

"Hush, you must not say that. Let us be thankful that our venture has prospered as it has done."

Mile after mile sped by, and soon we had passed Winchester and were drawing close to Eastleigh. Then Alie resumed her wig and veil, and, having done so, laid herself down once more upon her couch. Closer and closer we came, till presently we entered the station itself, and, with a great rattle and roar of brakes, drew up at the platform. Then ensued the usual scurrying of passengers, the "by your leave" of porters with trucks of luggage, after that the gradual subsidence of bustle, and in three minutes all was ready for proceeding upon our way once more. But just as the guard was about to give his signal the station master stayed his hand.