Page:Guy Boothby - The Beautiful White Devil.djvu/269

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months, will be in readiness to get under weigh the instant we're aboard!"

"And what will become of the van and horses?"

"The horses will be taken away from the yard within an hour of our departure. The van can remain there as long as it pleases. We will hope by the time they find it we shall be far away from England."

"And does Alie understand your arrangements?" asked Janet.

"Perfectly. I called at the gaol this morning, disguised as a solicitor's clerk, saw her, and told her all. You need have no fear for her, she will play her part to perfection."

"Then everything is settled, I suppose, and there is nothing for us to do but to wait patiently for to-morrow?"

"Nothing but that! Now, with your permission, I will be going. I don't suppose I shall see you again till we meet at the house."

"Good-bye, and God bless you, Walworth, for all you have done."

After he had left us Janet and I sat talking late into the night, and when we separated at her bedroom door, it was with a heartfelt wish that "good luck" might attend us on the morrow.

Next morning the long hours seemed as if they would never pass. All my personal arrangements had been made some days before, and my luggage sent off to the yacht at Portsmouth, labelled "Captain E. Wakemen," so there was absolutely nothing at all for me to do to kill the time till we were due at the house. At twelve o'clock, sharp to the minute, Janet and I had lunch,