Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/72

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in a piece of cheese-cloth, put all together, and pour over the vinegar. Let simmer three or four hours, and seal in glass jars. Very good, and not sweetened.

Piccalilli, No. 3

1 Peck of Green Toma- 4 Green Peppers
toes Allspice, Cloves and Mus-
1 Cupful of Salt tard Seed
6 Onions Vinegar

Wipe clean, cut into small pieces, sprinkle over them a cupful of salt, and let stand over night. In the morning, drain off the liquor, add six onions, four green peppers, sliced thin, one ounce each, of whole allspice, cloves, and white mustard seed. Tie the spices in a muslin bag, cover with vinegar, and cook three or four hours slowly, until very tender, in an agate kettle. This is much nicer if sealed in glass jars.

Tomato Catsup, No. 1

1 Peck of Ripe Tomatoes 6 Cupfuls of Vinegar
8 Onions 2 Cupfuls of Sugar
6 Red Peppers ½ Cupful of Salt

Chop or grind onions and peppers. Put with tomatoes, stew and press through colander, then add the rest of the ingredients and boil until it is thick. Seal while hot in glass jars.