Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/66

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them one cupful of salt. Let stand over night. In the morning drain off the water, put in the other ingredients, and let come to the boiling-point, then add one ten-cent bottle of horse-radish. Seal in jars having a glass top.

Green Chopped Pickle, No. 2

1 Peck of Green Toma- 5 Large Onions
toes 1 Cupful of Salt
2 Large Cauliflowers ½ Ounce of White Mus-
1 Head of White Cab- tard Seed
bage ½ Ounce of Whole Cloves
3 Pounds of Sugar ½ Ounce of Celery Seed
Vinegar 1 Dessertspoonful of
6 Red Peppers (Seeded) Ground Mace

Put through the meat-grinder, or chop, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, and peppers. Sprinkle over these one cupful of salt and let stand over night. In the morning drain off water, cover with vinegar, and add the other ingredients. Cook until tender.

Chili Sauce, No. 1

6 Ripe Tomatoes 1 Tablespoonful of Sugar
1 Onion 1 Tablespoonful of Salt
4 Green Peppers 1½ Cupfuls of Vinegar

Chop, or put through the meat-grinder, toma-