Page:Graimear na Gaedhilge.djvu/190

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ais or éis, back, again; like the English re‑;

íoc, payment; aisíoc, repayment, restitution.
aṁ or aiṁ, Negative
réiḋ, even; aiṁréiḋ, uneven.
an ain, tráṫ, time; i n‑antráṫ, untimely.
dío,[1] ceann, a head; díċeannaḋ, to behead.
mío, coṁairle, an advice; míoċoṁairle, an evil advice.
neaṁ neiṁ, niḋ, a thing; neiṁniḋ, nothing, non-entity.
eas, cáirdeas, friendship; easċáirdeas, enmity.
é or éa, a negative particle. It eclipses c and t and becomes éag before s. Cóir, just; éagcóir, unjust; trom, heavy; éadtrom, light; cosṁail, like; eugsaṁail, different.
droċ, bad, evil; meas, esteem; droċ-ṁeas, reproach, disesteem.
coṁ, equal; aimsir, time; coṁ-aimsearaċ, contemporary.
  1. dí, dío eclipse words beginning with b or f, díombuiḋeaċas, ingratitude.