Page:Good Wives.djvu/265

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good old way. I'd rather have a hearty English handshake than all the sentimental salutations in France."

"Good-by, dear," and, with these words, uttered in the tone she liked, Laurie left her, after a hand-shake almost painful in its heartiness.

Next morning, instead of the usual call, Amy received a note which made her smile at the beginning, and sigh at the end:—

"My Dear Mentor:

"Please make my adieux to your aunt, and exult within yourself, for 'Lazy Laurence' has gone to his grandpa, like the best of boys. A pleasant winter to you, and may the gods grant you a blissful honeymoon at Valrosa. I think Fred would be benefited by a rouser. Tell him so, with my congratulations.

"Yours gratefully, Telemachus."

"Good boy! I'm glad he's gone," said Amy, with an approving smile; the next minute her face fell as she glanced about the empty room, adding, with an involuntary sigh,—

"Yes, I am glad,—but how I shall miss him."